Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jon Leon

One strange thing about Stan Apps' entry was the critique of Dan Hoy. Soft Targets, Dan's journal, to me is the most inventive - very "cosmopolitan" - and adventurous around. I got to thinking about this so I reread issue #2. There are a bunch of poems by Jon Leon that are fascinating, including this one:

French Cuff

Scene rock Parisienne Second Sex look mildly forward. They are wearing garage type jackets and perfect fit pants. One boy has on white church shoes with black laces. They look like most people these days and really quite dull. I can't describe the boredom in this picture it is so hospitalesque. I would not drink a single beer with this quartet. Photo by Habbah.

That last sentences might be the best last sentence of a poem I've read in years.

Here are some other of his poems.


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