Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lara Glenum, James Pate

In an effort to widen the scope of the commentary on this blog, I've invited two friends and writers I admire, Lara Glenum and James Pate, to be collaborators on the blog. So look for posts from them in the near future. One thing we're going to try to do is write more reviews of contemporary books.


Blogger Lily Hoang said...

johannes expands... exciting!

6:41 PM  
Blogger Ross Brighton said...

Excellent news. I'm a big fan of Lara (as most of us out here are, I assume) and James' criticism in Action Yes has been incredibly informative. Don't think I've read any poetry of his, but Imay be wrong....

Speaking of critical work, anything besides the obvious (or including it, as we may have different obviousness criteria) you'd recommend reading as research for my Reines paper?

3:25 AM  

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