Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Our Links Hall performance description

The wars have changed, but the appetite for images in America has not. The Widow Party comprises a Buffalo Bill dumb show at the end of time, a rootin’ tootin’ aeschatology with sound effects by Jacob Knabb and a soundtrack by the Genius Child Orchestra, featuring Pentagon-bankrolled expert commentary by Britney Spears.

As Walt Disney has observed, it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

The main action of The Widow Party was scripted by Johannes Göransson, based on visions revealed in a semi-comatose conflation after a carcrash following a hazardous homejourney after the 2007 MLA. With Joyelle McSweeney and Jen Karmin in a pas de deux for the miracle twins Hannie Oakley and Annie Weiner, and Patrick Durgin performing a Declamation which will be an explanation and evaluation of all that has come before. With two Widows, a Reporter, Crash, Walter Cronkite, You, Satchmo, Lisa Janssen and James Shea in alarming and supporting roles.

Please extinguish.

At the conclusion of the performance, time will also conclude.


Blogger Amish Trivedi said...

Sounds awesome. When is that again? In Chicago?

I get to come to a little town in Indiana at the end of summer. Wahnatah? Near Valpraisio? Something like that...

6:48 AM  

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